Monday 4 August 2014

How to make "semi handwarmers"

Amount of stiches: you have to guess! Remember it must be able to go over the widest part of your hand, which is just below the thumb. You must times the length by 2 because it most go around the whole hand.

For example: Start with No 3. knitting needles; double knit wool 30 stiches.

Then the first 8-10cm you must knit ribbing: 2 plain, 2 purl

Go to e.g. no. 5 needles and knit the next part straight. You will have to measure your hand to see when you are almost done.
When you are 3cm from the end, then knit the last 3cm ribbing with the no. 5 needles (2 plain; 2 purl)

Fold the block double with the inside out. Work the sides together but leave an opening for the thumb - again, measure your own hand to see where the whole must go.

Obviously the top and bottom must be open! Don't work that together.

Then I worked beads on top - otherwise you never know which one is the right-hand one and the left-hand one.

O yes, obviously you must knit 2 because you have 2 hands! :)

Or you can just work beads on it for the bling factor :)


OR...Ena's mother knitted the loveliest ones by just knitting a ribbing square!

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